Monday, March 6, 2017


The benefits of loving kindness meditation one can see in his present life. After doing more loving kindness meditation their mind will be very peaceful, calmer, and feel happiness to live in this present world. the buddha had mentioned about the benefits of developed loving kindness meditation to his disciples “Bhikkhu When the mind deliverance of loving kindness is cultivated, developed, much practiced, made the vehicle, made the foundation, established, consolidated, and properly undertaken, eleven blessings can be expected. What are the eleven?
1)    A man sleeps in comfort,
2)    Wakes in comfort,
3)    And dreams no evil dreams,
4)    he is dear to human beings,
5)    he is dear to non- human beings,
6)    Deities guard him,
7)    Fire and poison and weapons do not affect him,
8)    His mind is easily concentrated,
9)    The expression of his face is serene,
10)           He dies unconfused,

11)           If he penetrates no higher he will be reborn in the brahma world

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